What are allergies?

  • Allergies are your body’s reaction to a normally harmless substance.5
  • These substances are usually called allergens.
  • If you have an allergy to a particular allergen, your body will overreact to its presence in your body.5 
  • Allergens can enter the body by the airways (breathing an allergen), skin (touching an allergen), gastrointestinal tract (ingesting an allergen) or by entering the circulatory system (allergen entering the bloodstream).6


Allergies can be classified as seasonal or perennial.
  • Seasonal allergies are allergies that occurs during specific times of the year. 

    A seasonal allergy, often called allergic rhinitis or hay fever.7

  • Perennial allergies are sometimes referred to as indoor allergies and are the cause of year-round allergies.
what are allergies